Thursday, February 17, 2011

10. Irina Werning

Irina on Back to the future project:
I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today... A few months ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.

See more of her work HERE


  1. Incroyablement fantastique ! Irina Werning s'approche de la maitrise du temps à l'échelle humaine !
    Le portrait avec tout ses défauts, mais maitrisés... Rien à voir avec le Pop Art !

    In English:

    An approach to the mastery of time on a human scale!


  2. Mince, mon lien:
    Tableau Pop Art personnalisé

    L'épreuve du temps est ici matérialisé par la reprise du concept premier qui rejoins l'art populaire et l'art à la portée de tous.

    The test time is here embodied by the resumption of the concept first to join the folk art and art for everyone.

